For one week every December, a room on campus at Dailard turns into a gift-filled market. Students come to school with a shopping list, and parent volunteers help them browse a wide selection of gifts, pick out presents for family members and friends, wrap them up to take home, and keep within their budget. Gifts range in price from $1 to $20.
The 2024 Holiday Bazaar will take place from December 9 through December 13. Each class is scheduled to shop only once during the week. The shopping schedule will be posted once it is finalized. Please be sure to send your child with their money envelopes and shopping lists on their assigned day. We accept both cash and checks at the bazaar; please make checks payable to DSF.
Interested in volunteering for this event? We are looking for volunteers to be shopping assistants or part of the cleanup crew. You MUST be cleared by the district to volunteer at this event. If you are anticipating helping but are not yet cleared, please do so ASAP. You will have a fantastic time helping the kids choose that perfect gift!

Event Schedule
Dailard classes will visit the Holiday Bazaar rooms on the following days:

If you have any questions about the Holiday Bazaar, please contact the Events Committee at activities@dailard.org.